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Spring Cloud Service Registration and Discovery - Spring Boot and Apache ZooKeeper

This is a repository for Spring Boot Zookeeper Example.

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The Spring Boot Diner Application

The Diner Application launches a simple RESTful service to indicate whether or not the diner is open on a day.

The default configuration:

  1. Launches Server on Port 8081
  2. Searches for a ZooKeeper instance on Port 2181
  3. Registers the Services on this Application with ZooKeeper under the name "diner"

The Spring Boot Foody Application

The Foody Application launches a simple RESTful service to indicate whether or not the foody's favorite diner is open on a day.

  1. Launches Server on Port 8083
  2. Searches for a ZooKeeper instance on Port 2181
  3. Registers the Services on this Application with ZooKeeper under the name "foody"

Read the complete description here: